Jordan Rickerson

My friend is Jordan, our band is the Dizzy, and this conversation is drunk, go home. 
We sat down for a dizzy afternoon indeed, and after a few whiskeys, we got down to the biziness of writing TV pilots, managing artistic expectations, and working our way back up from the brink day after day.

Much thanks for Burning Astra for their sound submission this week, we'll have more viewer mail as the weeks go on for you to sink your ear-teeths into. 
Send your music, words, sound, etc. to!

Find the Dizzy at

00.00.00 - Welcome to Episode 17 /
00.00.39 - Opening Monologue/Dates /
00.07.54 - "Manic Mabel" - the Dizzy /
00.11.04 - "Superfluous Words" - Jordan Rickerson /
00.12.05 - Interview with Jordan /
00.30.09 - "Bukowski was Right" - Jordan Rickerson /
00.34.48 - Viewer Mail /
00.35.43 - "Cars Crash" - Burning Astra /

JJR at Unrest @ Jacquie's, Dec. 5/69 (2014)

JJR at Unrest @ Jacquie's, Dec. 5/69 (2014)