Art Propaganda for Good, For All
You fade in from sleep. You stare at the ceiling. You are back. Where were you before?
Maybe you were having a dream about family, about forests or deserts, about your entangled personal subconscious.
Or maybe there was another category, something that happens only sometimes, in some cases too mundane to forget.
Some schools of Buddhism describe this waking plane as one of six Bardo, containing the Milam, or dream realm.
It is this Operator’s theory that our rental State, our transient, liminal living quarters, our pre-processed reality —
has done something to this dream layer.
We have splintered out into the void, projecting as a collective thinker, the shifting rooms that have made up our anxious lives. We are marching ourselves, solitary and lost, through the halls of what Kierkegaard would know as the school of anxiety, so that we may learn to create new and meaningful designs upon our being — starting with blank walls.
This podcast and exploratory vehicle is pointed straight out in all directions from the cavernous lobby of the Hotel Bardo, our microphones and other less-understood transducers picking up the far-off voices of other wandering souls.
In this age of the subconscious, we are all looking for the light of day.
We can only talk, think, and step forward in a new direction.
An investment in that mission is an investment in the fabric of reality.
We are here to advise. We are here to collect information. We are most abstractly here for a better world.
As if you never left, join us in the Earth Hotel.
The podcast
So how do we attempt to accomplish this multi-mission? Conversation and reflection are the two most prescient and necessary directives. This art and occulture variety show presents both for you, along with more surreal solutions to this modern crisis of crisis of consciousness. Hostess and Operator Jacquie Cotillard tends by nightwatch our sprawling plane in the waking world, which contains the artists, thinkers, music makers, and organizers of mind-decor the whole world under. These interviews are interspersed with an irrational array of randomly-ordered art-entertainment, including but not limited to: outsider music, art and sounds from viewers, short essays, dramatic enactments, critical and reflective readings of literature, investigative journalism, surreal NSAID news reports, language experiments, debates, art analysis, live recordings… available wherever you listen to podcasts.
Our Patreon, of most humble regard